
KLCC Travel n Shopping Paradise

Living the good life in KLCC

Jeremy's World

...................FUSION of FOOD, SHOPPING, TRAVEL, PEOPLE and LIFESTYLE............

James watching the concert.

The children are having fun singing and dancing.

Story telling time.

Another group singing songs.

The crowded auditorium.

Melissa's mum and friend Kaylene.

The concert is about to start.

Getting ready for the concert.

My 2 kids Melissa Ann and James Allen followed their friend to the First Baptist Church in Petaling Jaya for the vacation bible school as its now school holidays. Today marks the end of the week long VBS and the Baptist church had a little concert where the kids took part. Its mainly singing and dancing, somehow it reminds me of High School musical where the children are having so much fun. I too was quite amused when I saw a little girl not older than 5 years (I presumed) was dancing her way together with the other kids. She had a time of her life from what I can see from her face and her gestures.

I have included some pictures and some videos below. It really shows how much fun these kids are having. These children are singing their hearts out unlike other churches I have been to.

James singing and dancing.

Melissa singing "Follow"

Singing the song "Boomerang"

Its been a while I haven't updated my other blog on predicting 4 digit (pick 4) numbers games. So this month I re-open my programs and key in some latest datas and start calculating some probabilities for some winning hits. I tried some small bets and sort of try out how it goes.

I started at the begining of November and surprisingly, I had several hits. No doubt I made some money from it but, the reality is the fun I had when I get hits after hits. Sometimes I get 3 hits in one draw alone and it includes a first prize too!

I will be updating those blogs again soon with some tips on how I calculate the probabilities. Below I have included my winnings on 4 digits that I won in November. Sometimes I had only 1 hit but other times I have 2 or 3 hits.

If you like to have some fun at playing with numbers, check out on my blog on 4D numbers soon. I will start updating this month in December. The address is at the side bar under my bloglist.

(1 Hit) Winning No. 5683 consolation

(2 Hits) Winning No.6891 - 1st.Prize and No. 5672 consolation.

(3 Hits) -Winning No. 6671 - 1st.Prize, No. 6673 starters and No. 6674 starters

(1 Hit) Winning No. 9984 starters

(1 Hit) Winning No. 6881 consolation.

I may add a section on the side bar with posting of my hits in the future. We will see how well the numbers game goes.